Hey kids,
I can picture you all now: Taking in the fall. Beanie on head. A pumpkin spice latte in one hand, and in the other, a brand new copy of… gasp! (Yes, gasp!) You have nothing to read. We can solve this problem now.
Announcing “The Perks of Being a Doorflower ‘Pin it to Win It’ Contest,” where one lucky, randomly chosen, guy or gal will win a $35 Amazon Gift Card and a paperback copy of Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda – the interactive romantic comedy where the reader controls the love story, with 60 unique endings. (Combined value of $60 USD.) Entry’s real simple like. Just…
- Follow DoorflowerCo on Pinterest.
- Create a board called “The Perks of Being a Doorflower” and repin the following:
The official Doorflower Pin it to Win it Contest Pin (click here or on image below for actual pin)!
Your favourite quip from “Doorflower eCards: The Complete Collection.”
One fictional boyfriend match up from the “Ultimate Him” board.
A “Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda Choice Card.”
- Finally, and most importantly: Tweet a link to your complete board with this message: “Enter the #Doorflower Pin it to Win it #Contest for a Prize worth $60.”
That’s it. Told ya it was mad-easy. Come hang out. There’s all kinds of cool, free fun to be had; including stuff to keep you crafty folks in stitches, grownup versions of your favourite childhood games like the fortune teller below, and a chance to get to know Coulda Woulda Shoulda’s characters via their very own Pinterest boards.
Good luck! Now go forth an pin…
Tara Lee Reed
Comments 3
Fingers crossed
Great contest, thanks!!
Thank you! And thanks for entering. Good luck!